How to Grow Katuk At Home

How to Grow Katuk

Growing katuk should be one of the first gardening activities you undertake when moving to the countryside. The reason is that this vegetable is easy to cultivate and can be eaten almost year-round. Let’s look at how to propagate katuk cuttings.

1. A Few Things to Know Before Planting Katuk

Before diving into the detailed steps for growing katuk, let’s explore some characteristics of this plant.

Katuk (Breynia androgyna) is a type of vegetable that originally grows wild in Asia and is later cultivated in countries like Vietnam and Southeast Asia for soups. The plant has a bushy structure and can grow up to 2 meters tall. The stems are sturdy and turn brown as they age. The leaves are oval and alternate. Katuk is known for its cooling properties and can be used in soups or eaten raw.

Nutritionally, katuk is high in protein and vitamins C and K. Therefore, if you’re looking to propagate katuk cuttings, let's get started with the following guide.

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2. Simple Guide to Growing Katuk from Cuttings

You can grow katuk from seeds, but it takes longer to harvest and is more challenging. In this article, we will guide you on the easiest way to grow katuk from cuttings.

2.1. How to Prepare Cuttings for Planting

To grow katuk from cuttings, you need to know how to select the right cuttings. Additionally, if you choose to plant in foam boxes, you need to prepare the soil as follows.

Selecting Cuttings and Preparing Soil:

  • Choose healthy, fresh katuk plants that have had all their leaves stripped and have many nodes. Then, cut segments of about 25 cm at an angle. The best time to plant katuk is in the first month of the lunar calendar. 
  • For soil preparation, mix decomposed cow manure and lime powder. Allow the soil to rest for 7 days before propagating the cuttings.

How to Propagate Katuk Cuttings:

  • Prepare a glass and pour about 2 cm of clean water into it. It’s better to use well water or rainwater instead of tap water, as tap water contains chlorine, which can hinder root development.
  • Soak the cuttings in this water for 3 to 5 days until they sprout roots. Remember to place the cut end down in the water.

2.2. How to Plant Katuk Cuttings at Home

After preparing the cuttings, you can proceed with planting katuk as follows:

  • Step 1: Fill the foam box, pot, or garden bed with soil, depending on your conditions.
  • Step 2: Insert the rooted cuttings into the soil, which can be placed at an angle or vertically, as you prefer. Space each cutting about 20x20 cm apart.
  • Step 3: Keep them in a shaded area for the first 3 days and water them daily. After that, you can move them to a sunny spot.

2.3. How to Care for Katuk

After planting the cuttings, remember the following care instructions and harvesting tips to enjoy katuk throughout the year.

  • When the katuk plants reach a height of 25 to 30 cm, you can start cutting branches to eat.
  • Care for katuk by lightly loosening the soil surface with a hoe or trowel. Sprinkle a mixture of compost and phosphorus on the soil surface. Cover it with straw or rice husks to retain moisture and prevent soil compaction.
  • When the plants are about 50 cm tall, harvest by cutting off the entire upper portion of the plant, leaving about 20 cm above the ground. Strip off all the old leaves and branches from the stem. Water with banana-infused liquid once a week.
  • By maintaining this care routine, you can enjoy katuk for many years without needing to replant.

3. How Long Until Katuk Can Be Harvested?

With the above method of growing katuk, it takes about 2 months for the plants to develop branches and leaves ready for harvest.

Additionally, some readers may wonder why their katuk leaves are curling. This curling indicates an old variety of katuk that is delicious to eat, so there’s no need to worry.

We hope that with this guide on growing katuk from cuttings, you will successfully cultivate it at home. Feel free to check out more gardening tips at My Garden!
