What smell do mice fear and what plants? 7 best mouse repellent plants

What smell do mice fear
The pungent smells of garlic, onions, chrysanthemums... scare mice.

What smell do mice fear the most? Which plants repel mice? Join My Garden to find out what smell mice hate, what plants mice fear, and 7 plants to grow when returning to live in the countryside!

1. The terror of mice when living in rural areas

When living in rural areas, one of the biggest fears besides snakes and mosquitoes is mice. Of course, there are many ways to repel mice such as using traps, herb baits, sticky tapes, or even mouse repellent devices... But most of these methods have many drawbacks and should not be used.

At this point, understanding what smell mice fear and which plants repel mice is the most natural and safest approach. After some research, My Garden found that there are many simple, easy-to-care-for plants with fragrances that mice find repellent.

Below, My Garden has selected 7 plants with good mouse-repelling fragrances that are easy to grow indoors for readers to apply!

2. What smell do mice fear the most? 7 fragrances from plants that mice hate

When exploring what smell mice fear, readers may think of strong spicy fragrances emitted from indoor plants. Some plants that can be mentioned include lemongrass, peppermint, citronella, onions, lavender...

2.1. What smell do mice fear the most? Peppermint

What smell do mice hate

One of the best and easiest plants to repel mice is peppermint. Mice strongly dislike the smell of peppermint, so planting peppermint near the house will effectively repel mice. Here is some information about peppermint:

  • Peppermint contains menthol - essential oil that mice, mosquitoes, and cockroaches strongly dislike.
  • Peppermint essential oil also helps purify the air, kill bacteria, and brings a pleasant fragrance.
  • In damp, poorly lit areas where mice often lurk, you can use a handful of peppermint leaves to repel mice and eliminate odors, reducing mold very effectively.

2.2. What smell do mice fear? It's the onion family plants

What smell do mice dont like

If you don't know what smell mice fear, the strong odors of plants in the onion family are the best suggestion. Specifically: onions, garlic, chives, scallions, and garlic chives are all plants with pungent smells that mice find extremely repellent.

Therefore, you can take advantage of planting these onion family plants around your house to repel mice. Besides, these plants also repel slugs, aphids, caterpillars, mosquitoes, and worms quite effectively. Additionally, they support vegetable plants and should be grown near vegetable gardens.

2.3. What smell do field mice fear the most? It's the chrysanthemum

What smell do mice dislike

In articles about what plants to grow to repel snakes and mosquitoes, My Garden has mentioned that chrysanthemums are versatile plants: They repel mosquitoes, snakes, and even mice.

Specifically, the strong scent of chrysanthemums makes mice very fearful. Furthermore, chrysanthemums can also be used to repel beetles, fleas, and ticks. Moreover, chrysanthemums are recommended for intercropping in vegetable gardens to attract butterflies and bees for pollination.

If you are researching what smell wood mice fear or what smell bank voles fear, this is the best suggestion for you!

2.4. What smell do mice fear the most? Lemongrass is a plant to grow

Among the list of smells that mice fear, lemongrass is a recommended plant to grow. Lemongrass is a mouse-repellent plant because it contains citronella - a strong-smelling substance that effectively repels mice.

Furthermore, lemongrass also repels snakes, mosquitoes, ticks, grasshoppers, and more. Moreover, lemongrass is an excellent spice for health. Lemongrass essential oil also helps us relax and purifies the air. The advice is in damp places, where mice frequently travel, you can crush a few fresh lemongrass stalks and hang them there to repel mice.

2.5. Black pepper is an excellent mouse repellent plant

Besides the smells mentioned above, My Garden suggests black pepper as another strong-smelling scent mice hate. The reason is that black pepper contains piperine - a strong, spicy smell that mice really dislike.

Therefore, readers can plant black pepper to repel mice, or simply sprinkle some ground black pepper where there are mice. This amount of ground pepper will emit a strong, spicy smell that mice fear.

2.6. Thyme has a scent mice fear

Mouse-repellent plants often have special fragrances, so thyme is also a good suggestion for readers to consider.

Specifically, thyme has a strong scent that mice find bitter and unpleasant. Generally, places with the scent of thyme will keep mice away. Moreover, thyme also repels mosquitoes, cockroaches, ticks, and more.

2.7. Lavender and citronella have scents mice hate

what smell do mice hate the worst

Have you ever wondered what smell mice hate the most? If you have such a question, My Garden suggests lavender and citronella as scents mice hate.

Both of these plants have very strong scents, suitable for placing indoors to repel mice. Furthermore, if you cannot plant them, you can still buy wax products scented with lavender.

Hopefully, through this article, readers have learned what smell mice fear and what plants to grow to repel mice at home. These are easy-to-grow plants with many other benefits, so you should start growing them now!
