How to Plant Lotus from Seeds for Healthiest and Most Beautiful Blooms

how to plant lotus seeds at home

Planting lotus from seeds is one of the most popular methods for cultivating lotus flowers. With this planting method, a few tips can help seeds germinate, grow into new plants, and flower quickly. In this article, My Garden will provide detailed guidance on planting lotus flowers this way.

Some things to know about lotus flowers

Alongside India, Vietnam is the second country to recognize the lotus as its national flower. There are many reasons for this recognition, with emphasis on the pure beauty of the lotus flower.

Lotus is a perennial flower that usually blooms in spring and summer. Among ornamental flowers, lotus prefers sunlight, so if you plant lotus, ensure it receives at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.

Similar to the Japanese lotus planting method, lotus can be grown in pots since this flower lives in water. One small note about lotus planting is to always keep the water level higher than the soil by 5 cm, but avoid submerging the leaves. Additionally, for optimal growth, the pot should be about 40 cm wide and 20 cm deep (minimum depth).

>>>See More: How to grow lotus flowers with simple bulbs

Detailed guide on planting lotus from seeds at home

how to plant lotus seeds

As mentioned in the introduction, planting lotus from seeds is more common than using tubers. Moreover, lotus seeds have a long lifespan, making it convenient to transport and plant them over time. Below is a step-by-step guide for planting lotus flowers at home.

Germinating lotus seeds

After purchasing lotus seeds, refrain from soaking or planting them directly in mud. Take these two small steps to ensure better seed germination:

  • Peel the hard shell: Use a nail file to gently remove the tough outer shell of the seed, exposing the creamy core in the middle. Be careful not to damage the seed embryo. The purpose of peeling the shell is to allow water to penetrate faster, stimulating better seed germination. If you don't have a nail file, you can use a knife or rub the shell gently against a concrete surface, but be gentle to avoid damaging the seed.
  • Soak the seeds in warm water: Once the lotus seeds are peeled, place them in a cup. Then mix water with a ratio of 3 parts hot to 2 parts cold (about 27°C). Pour this warm water mixture over the lotus seeds. After soaking for about 1 day, discard the seeds that sink to the bottom, while removing any that float to the top. Within 5 - 7 days, the lotus seeds will germinate. During this time, change the warm water daily 1 - 2 times.
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Prepare the planting soil for lotus

In lotus seed planting, preparing the soil is crucial. Lotus planting soil differs significantly from other types of ornamental plants. Specifically:

  • Prepare the pot: Choose a pot with a capacity of about 10 to 20 liters. Alternatively, in Vietnam, you can buy beautiful ceramic or porcelain pots for growing lotus. A small note is that the pot should not have drainage holes. Additionally, it's preferable to choose a black pot that can retain heat well for young plants.
  • Make lotus soil: For lotus, you can use mud from rice fields or non-silty mud from nearby lotus ponds. Alternatively, if you have time, mix a soil blend for lotus flowers consisting of 2 parts clay soil and 1 part river sand. Also, make sure not to use soil intended for other types of plants, as it may float when it encounters water.

Detailed steps for planting lotus from seeds

After preparing the planting soil, when the seedlings have sprouted to about 15 cm, you can start transferring them to the pot. Here’s how:

  • Gently lift the lotus seedlings out of the soaking cup. Be careful to avoid damaging the tender stems.
  • Press the lotus seed gently into the prepared soil, spacing each plant about 10 cm apart.
  • Sprinkle a light layer of mixed soil or sandy mud over the top to secure the seeds. Note: When planting lotus seeds, do not bury the seeds completely beneath the soil, as the plants will naturally root themselves.
  • A helpful tip is to use a small amount of soil to wrap around each lotus seed to keep them submerged. This technique ensures the lotus seeds remain fixed and do not float to the water's surface.
  • After planting, pour clean water over the soil layer, about 5 - 10 cm deep.

Lotus flower care

With the seed planting method, lotus plants rarely bloom in the first year. During this time, to care for lotus plants properly, keep these points in mind:

  • The water temperature for lotus plants should be at least 21°C. In colder climates, a shallower water depth may help keep the plants warmer.
  • Limit fertilization in the first year and allow the plants to adapt to their environment.
  • Place the lotus pot in direct sunlight. Lotus flowers thrive in full sun exposure for 5 - 6 hours daily. If the pond water is partially shaded, trim or remove any branches or leaves that block sunlight around the pond.
  • When lotus flowers bloom, trim away fading blooms and yellow or damaged leaves. If the lotus plants start to overcrowd the pond, you can prune new shoots to control their growth.
  • Remember, never cut flowers or leaf stems below the water surface. Roots and lotus tubers absorb oxygen through those stems!

Thus, with the above method of planting lotus from seeds, you can start planting now. If you live in a winter climate, it's best to wait until spring to plant lotus. Best wishes for success with this flower planting method!
